TPI for Cheyenne, WY

Trained and certified medical providers at Northview Medical provide Trigger Point Injections which can significantly decrease pain, increase your range of motion and improve your quality of life.What Are Trigger Points?

Trigger points are painful areas of the muscle that are normally caused by prolonged tightness; they may feel like tight bands or knots in the muscle itself. When pressure is applied to the area it may “trigger” pain the exact area or surrounding areas.

Prolonged tightness in the muscle can be caused by stress, overuse, injury, or problems with the spine or posture. Improving posture in combination with trigger point injections can improve them over time.

How Is a Trigger Point Injected?

When having a trigger point injected, your provider will first assess the area for the specific trigger point. The skin is cleaned and then a small gauge needle is inserted; often times causing the muscle to twitch. A small amount of local anesthetic is then injected into the trigger point which may cause a slight stinging sensation. Your provider will move the needle around slightly within the trigger point in order to ensure treatment of the area. 

What Are the Risks of Trigger Point Injections?

There is a small risk of infection, however your provider will take every precaution to mitigate this risk. Bruising, tenderness, and redness at the area of the injection are the most common side effects. You may notice that the injected trigger points are sore for the first day or so after the injections, applying ice to the area following injections will decrease soreness.

Please notify your provider if you are allergic to lidocaine or Marcaine.

What To Expect After Injections?

Some patients report relief of pain immediately following injections, but it may take 2-4 days to feel relief. Relief of the trigger point is very individual and may last days to months depending on the severity. It is common for complete relief to take a series of regular injections. In order to get the best results, you should apply ice to the affected areas intermittently for the first 24 hours following the procedure.

Please contact us to make an appointment to discuss Trigger Point Injections with one of our qualified providers; and together you can decide if injections will be beneficial for you!

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